Westcoast Road Trip Day 22: Long Drive Home to Vancouver
We woke up at 8:30am and checked out our hotel just before 9:30am. We did a little detour to Carter's to get some kid's clothes for Brandon before heading back home northbound. We got back to Vancouver at about 5:45-6pm (just in time for dinner). We just picked up cooked food from T&T Supermarket.
It's funny... when we left Vancouver, it was somewhat cloudy and rainy. We came back to Vancouver and it was cloudy and rainy. Bummer!

Map summary route of our overall road trip. The red route is going southbound and the blue route is going northbound. Driving across 3 States (north-south) is our new record.

It's funny... when we left Vancouver, it was somewhat cloudy and rainy. We came back to Vancouver and it was cloudy and rainy. Bummer!
Milage: Odometer before and after photos (total 6145 KM)
Map summary route of our overall road trip. The red route is going southbound and the blue route is going northbound. Driving across 3 States (north-south) is our new record.