Bon Jovi Concert Experience
I had quite an experience at the Wednesday night's Bon Jovi concert in Vancouver, BC at the Rogers Arena. It's actually my first music concert and I really enjoyed it. I had two tickets for a "Girls Night Out" with my sister (thanks to Digital PR & Social Communities / AEG Live, whom I worked for in the past few months).
As I was getting prepared to go out, I thought about the camera policy. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to bring my DSLR camera and just because it had better quality. Luckily I checked and found out that only regular cameras (non SLRs) are allowed. I brought along my small Canon SD780 and my 12x zoom Canon PowerShot S2. I lent my small digital camera to my sister since she didn't have one. I took so many photos and below are some of the good ones I thought I'd share.
Rocker Jon Bon Jovi was giving his all to his wonderful fans. He had a lot of energy performing on that stage. Bon Jovi and his band performed some of his newer songs as well as the popular older songs, which I like. The Arena was pretty full and the fans kept cheering on.