Revscene Summer Meet 2011
It was Revscene's Summer Meet of 2011, a huge annual car club meet. It is a free event and great opportunity to meet other car owners and other car clubs together. The weather was ok with some sun and clouds, unlike last year where it was cloudy and windy.
I signed up on the attendance list, but I almost forgot about the event. My Honda Civic is finally back on the road and I was planning to drive it down to the meet. Instead, the Hubby drive us there after having lunch in Richmond. Of course, little Brandon was with us and he loved seeing nice cars. The venue was a new and bigger location, and was convenient. Too bad I didn't get to bring out my fancy Civic to show off (I even just got it insured and back on the road).
I did bring my small camera. There were lots to see, but I didn't take too many photos. I'm sure a lot of others took some cool photos. My thoughts: Revscene Meet = Free carshow (and bigger too). haha... It still beats the paid local car shows.

Official description:
It's that time again!'s annual Summer meet is back for another year showcasing Vancouver's beloved metal babies. Take the parents, kids, s/o's, whoever they might be out for this much anticipated event!
Date: Sunday, August 21 · 12:00pm - 4:00pm
LOCATION: Adesa Richmond Public Auction
Address: 16179 Blundell Road, Richmond, V6W0A3
I signed up on the attendance list, but I almost forgot about the event. My Honda Civic is finally back on the road and I was planning to drive it down to the meet. Instead, the Hubby drive us there after having lunch in Richmond. Of course, little Brandon was with us and he loved seeing nice cars. The venue was a new and bigger location, and was convenient. Too bad I didn't get to bring out my fancy Civic to show off (I even just got it insured and back on the road).
I did bring my small camera. There were lots to see, but I didn't take too many photos. I'm sure a lot of others took some cool photos. My thoughts: Revscene Meet = Free carshow (and bigger too). haha... It still beats the paid local car shows.