Felt Crafting - Felt Cakes & Sweets
You know what? I've taken a new hobby and I just started doing felt crafting. I wanted to find books from the library, but couldn't find any so I learned it myself via the internet and found some neat designs and tutorials.
My son, Brandon, was my inspiration for starting this new hobby. It all started when he was playing pretend picnic with his stuffed toys or when he pretend to make food for me. Then I thought that I'll make him some play food out of something soft. I went out to buy a few different color felt sheets from the dollar store just to try it out.
Anyway, here is my first attempt in making felt cakes. So far so good? The stitching might look a little uneven on some parts. Felt crafting took a bit more time to do than I thought. So far I've only created 3 mini cakes: Chocolate cake, Strawberry cake, and Blueberry cake.
DeviantArt Gallery

I'll be making more designs to share; just working on it a little at a time. Once I get a hang of it and perfecting the stitching, I plan to add it to my online shop. What I've created so far is just trial and error, so it's not available for sale yet. Check back for updates!
My son, Brandon, was my inspiration for starting this new hobby. It all started when he was playing pretend picnic with his stuffed toys or when he pretend to make food for me. Then I thought that I'll make him some play food out of something soft. I went out to buy a few different color felt sheets from the dollar store just to try it out.
Anyway, here is my first attempt in making felt cakes. So far so good? The stitching might look a little uneven on some parts. Felt crafting took a bit more time to do than I thought. So far I've only created 3 mini cakes: Chocolate cake, Strawberry cake, and Blueberry cake.
I'll be making more designs to share; just working on it a little at a time. Once I get a hang of it and perfecting the stitching, I plan to add it to my online shop. What I've created so far is just trial and error, so it's not available for sale yet. Check back for updates!