25K Pageview Kiriban + Prize Giveaway - DeviantArt
25K Pageview Kiriban + Prize Giveaway
Anyways, about this contest... If you're on DeviantArt, you'll see that I have posted a contest and giving away my mint copy of an artbook/art magazine.
I know it's a bit early to post this, but I want to get a head start for you guys (my watchers and new viewers). I am hosting a 25K page kiriban and will be offering a prize giveaway to the winner for providing me a screenshot showing 25,000 pageviews on my profile. At this point I am only at 20,168 pageviews, but the numbers will be fast approaching.
The winner will get...
* A copy of Future-Art-Magazine's very first issue (which is now discontinued): details.
NOTE: You must be an active member on deviantArt. You must also be one of my watchers and fave at least three (3) of my works. I will be checking.