More Bird Photography at the Boundary Bay Dyke Trail
I went back to Boundary Bay area again for some more bird watching and bird photography since I was in the area (Delta/Tsawwassen). This time, I walked along the Boundary Bay Dyke Trail closer to the Boundary Bay Airport. Lens I used was my 200mm and still wasn't long enough for closer shots. I still had to make some cropping adjustments. It would be nice to have a longer telephoto lens, but how often do I photograph long-range (unless I'm a wildlife or sports photographer)? Some of the photos were quite blurry from the fast movement of the flying birds. I tend to shoot at Aperture Priority Mode. That way you can control the depth of field. I was using the lowest aperture, which is 5.6, while at ISO400. I could've gotten away with a higher ISO and adjust the noise reduction in Adobe Lightroom.
A few photographs of an eagle, hawk, and heron.

My attempt in getting a clear photograph of the black snowy owl was unsuccessful. Also, it was still too far away to capture the image. I will try again some other time.
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My attempt in getting a clear photograph of the black snowy owl was unsuccessful. Also, it was still too far away to capture the image. I will try again some other time.
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