Art Improvement Meme
I don't remember if I posted this before, but this is an updated image of my art improvement meme from 1994 to 2010. This shows the changes in the improvements as well as the style.

It was hard work searching and collecting my artwork for this meme, but I'm glad I did it!
I started drawing with pencils and crayons at the age of eight. I still have some of my old artwork back then, but I don't really have time to dig them out and scan them. I've always loved doing pencil art (as well as colored pencil art) until I learned that it is possible to paint and draw on the computer. Back then, we never used computers and everything was on pen and paper. I got my first Wacom Tablet in 2006 and my passion for digital art grew since then. And from viewing art through books, magazines and online art communities, it has inspired me and I've learned so much from different artists.
After highschool, I continued art as a hobby. But as you see, I skipped some years of doing art because I had a busy life working and schooling at the same time. And sometimes I feel I loose my creativity... you know, ever get one of those "artists' blocks'?
In 2009, I did mostly photography work. Since my little baby was born in September 2008, I took a lot of photos. And also he took a lot of my time from doing artwork.
I have a very diverse art gallery; from traditional art to digital art to photography stuff to handmade crafts... I like all kinds of artwork and I like experimenting with different things. My art improvement meme focuses on my digital painting skills. I still try my best (always), and this new year I want to make a BIG improvement with digital painting.
CURRENTLY, I am STILL aiming my goal; my dreams, to be accepted in the game art industry.
It was hard work searching and collecting my artwork for this meme, but I'm glad I did it!
I started drawing with pencils and crayons at the age of eight. I still have some of my old artwork back then, but I don't really have time to dig them out and scan them. I've always loved doing pencil art (as well as colored pencil art) until I learned that it is possible to paint and draw on the computer. Back then, we never used computers and everything was on pen and paper. I got my first Wacom Tablet in 2006 and my passion for digital art grew since then. And from viewing art through books, magazines and online art communities, it has inspired me and I've learned so much from different artists.
After highschool, I continued art as a hobby. But as you see, I skipped some years of doing art because I had a busy life working and schooling at the same time. And sometimes I feel I loose my creativity... you know, ever get one of those "artists' blocks'?
In 2009, I did mostly photography work. Since my little baby was born in September 2008, I took a lot of photos. And also he took a lot of my time from doing artwork.
I have a very diverse art gallery; from traditional art to digital art to photography stuff to handmade crafts... I like all kinds of artwork and I like experimenting with different things. My art improvement meme focuses on my digital painting skills. I still try my best (always), and this new year I want to make a BIG improvement with digital painting.
CURRENTLY, I am STILL aiming my goal; my dreams, to be accepted in the game art industry.