My digital painting portrait of celebrity, Justin Hartley. Justin plays Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) in the TV series Smallville. It's one of my favorite TV shows. Never thought would this painting take me so long (almost a whole month on and off) to finish. Accuracy and details are what I was after. My eyes are sore from staring at this too long. Maybe it's my LCD screen. I need a better monitor :p
It's been a while since I've drawn male profile portraits. This is actually the first time I painted it digitally and I'm pretty happy with the result. I put in my time for all those details and colors as I wanted to make it perfect. What frustrated me most was the shading around the face. I've tried to get it as smooth as possible. Gawd, it was so messy looking (from the WIP images)!
In my technique, I first started with a rough sketch using photo reference (
here). Next, blocking in colors, which is the easiest part. Then added in the highlights. I've been experimenting with different opacity and using the dodge/burn a lot. And not to forget to mention a whole lot of mixing colors. Strands of hair using my custom brushes.
Justin plays Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) in the TV series Smallville. It's one of my favorite TV shows.
Detail view:

Work In Progress view (I had more of the step-by step screenshots, but I lost my files):

For more of my digital artwork, visit my
DeviantART Gallery.
© Jennie Yuen
My work is copyrighted and may not be reproduced, copied, or edited in any way without my express written permission.