Monday, December 24, 2012

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling {Book Review}

Videojournalism is a new field that has grown out of traditional print photojournalism, slideshows that combine sound and pictures, public radio, documentary film-making and the best of television news features. This amalgam of traditions has emerged to serve the internet's voracious appetite for video stories.

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling is written for the new generation of "backpack" journalists. The solo videojournalist must find a riveting story; gain access to charismatic characters who can tell their own tales; shoot candid clips; expertly interview the players; record clear, clean sound; write a script with pizzazz; and, finally, edit the material into a piece worthy of five minutes of a viewer's attention. Videojournalism addresses all of these challenges, and more - never losing sight of the main point: telling a great story.


I find this quite an interesting book. If you're into shooting a video documentary and good storytelling, this book has amazing photographs on Ken Kobré's experience and clear explainations about the subject on videojournalism. Some of the images might be disturbing, happy, sad, or funny. Mostly, I really like the detail about how he captured the videos and how he tells his story. It's a great read if you're into this kind of stuff.


Professor Kenneth Kobré directs the photojournalism sequence at San Francisco State University, California. His photographs have appeared in Newsweek, Time, Business Week, San Francisco Examiner, and numerous other publications.

Kobre also is the producer of the hour-long documentary "Deadline Every Second: On Assignment with 12 Associated Press Photojournalists.” Please "friend” Ken on Facebook,, and then "like” the page for "Deadline Every Second,” where you can view the trailer.

WHERE TO BUY: Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling is available on, Barnes & Noble, and bookstores.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of the mentioned book from the PR firm or publisher in exchange of my review. Any expressed opinions are my own and personal thoughts. No other compensation was given.

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