Sunday, December 9, 2012

TEMPTU Gets Tapped for Victoria Secret Fashion Show Extravaganza Opening Act

Tattoo Artist Stephanie Tamez uses Temptu Body Art and Makeup to Create the Painted Angel Look on model Liu Wen

TEMPTU was backstage and on the runway at Tuesday’s widely anticipated 2012 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. New York City’s most in demand tattoo artist, Stephanie Tamez of Saved Tattoo in Brooklyn and the TEMPTU PRO Team, used TEMPTU Body Art and Makeup including custom TEMPTU Tattoos and Dura inks to create one of te year’s most controversial looks, the Painted Angel portrayed by Victoria’s Secret model Liu Wen.

No stranger to a VS Fashion Show, in 2010 TEMPTU was used for the Tribal Look on Emanuela de Paulo by William Lemon, this year’s edgy, underground Painted Lady Look on Liu Wen by Ms. Tamez raises the body art bar.

TEMPTU sat down with Stephanie after the show to get the full scoop backstage and behind the scenes.

TEMPTU: What was your inspiration for the Victoria’s Secret tattoos?

ST: I was asked to make the tattoos feel and look like classic Americana tattooed circus lady style.

TEMPTU: Can you describe the process of creating the Victoria’s Secret tattoo from start to finish?

ST: I met with the designer Todd Thomas and he had a very clear feel for what he wanted- he wanted an authentic painted lady vibe and had researched circus ladies with tattoos and wanted that feel- but with maybe more skin showing, since it is Victoria’s Secret. Also we decided we wanted only sweet and positive images, so we worked out our options and I gave input as to what I believed would feel accurate. I drew up images to size, ran them by Todd, they approved them, and then I had TEMPTU make the stencils from them. Larger stencils are far more difficult to apply and so we figured we might need to hand paint most of them the day of. I asked two other female tattooers to assist me and Sophia sent me two other assistants, one from TEMPTU, who had experience with the stencils and a make up artist who also had experience with TEMPTU stencils. We started at 8 a.m. and with five people working on her non stop we finished just shy of 6 hours. A long day for all of us, but I am happy with the results.

TEMPTU: What was it like being backstage at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show?

ST: It was wonderful to see all the production that goes into such a huge project. It is unbelievable- the models are of course gorgeous and all the custom made outfits are truly a great deal of craftsmanship done by a lot of hardworking people. I loved hearing and seeing Rihanna. I thought the opening circus production was fantastic- so clever with all the staging and outfits. I also loved the pinball set.

To read more from the interview, go to the TEMPTU BLOG at

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