Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson, The Hunger Games) finds a hidden signal that he believes will lead him to his long lost grandfather (Michael Caine, Miss Congeniality). With the help of his new step father (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, The Scorpion King), Sean finds a map and starts his adventure which leads him to Kailani (Vanessa Hudgens, High School Musical) and the island of Atlantis! Sean and his friends battle giant bees, killer lizards, a volcano of gold, and electric eels to escape the lost city and make their way home!
Choose Your Own Adventure! Spin the wheel to get your own personalized adventure! Will you brave the wilds of Family Movie Night or map your house and have your own treasure hunt!
Take the Quiz: Would You Survive The Mysterious Island!? Are you a Wilderness Warrior or a Timid Trekker? Take the Mysterious Island quiz and find out how you would fare in the outback of Atlantis!
One (1) lucky reader will have a chance to win a copy of Journey 2: The Mysterious Island on DVD and Blu-Ray. Chosen winner will be selected via through Rafflecopter and is open to US & Canadian residents (ends June 21, 2012 at 12:01am EST). Winner will have 48 hours to respond to claim their prize.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
ReplyDeleteFamily adventure night and I'm a Timid Trekker
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Timmid Trekkker - sounds about right I'm a shady spot with a book kinda girl