Sunday, May 30, 2010

DeviantArt "Server Not Found" Error

Is anyone else having trouble logging onto I've been trying to get into the site for a few days now, but kept getting this "server not found" message. Neither firefox nor Explorer is able to access deviantART. I'm in BC, Canada and I've read over the internet that other people outside the U.S. was also having this problem. I am not sure, but is everyone in the U.S. able to access the site? I sent them a message on twitter @deviantART and waiting for their response.

I hope it will get fixed soon as I have a lot of messages to respond.

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  1. I'm in the U.S. and it's been down for me as well for a couple days now. I managed to get to the front page once and saw that I was still logged in, but after that, all of my browsers decided that dA didn't exist. It works fine for all of my friends so I messed with settings all over my computer, but nothing has helped. It has to be something with dA.

  2. I am also having this problem. Sometimes it'll load for me but I've been trying to log in to submit something and it's just near to impossible. It's really frustrating.
    I don't see how it couldn't be DA since I have had no other problems like this with any other sites in the past days this has been happening to me.
    I'm Ont. Canada. Dunno if it's an international thing or not but it's very annoying.


  3. It's been doing this for me for quite awhile and still is! D8< It seems to be mostly Canada... I'm in Canada, you're in Canada, that one commenter there is in Canada, and two of my friends are in Canada and we all seem to have this problem. At the same time other Canadian's I know arn't having this. x__x

  4. i haven't been able to get on DA for about a month. i too am in canada on rogers. i really miss it :(

  5. Also having this problem!

    Refreshing 19/20 times doesn't work, and then if it loads it's only for that page in question. Clicking a link will bring me back to the dreaded "Server not Found" error.

    Canadian, as well. :|a
