Description taken from the website: "Ballistic Publishing is excited to launch a large-format fantasy graphic novel based on the Utherworlds universe created by Philip Straub. The ambitious project spanning six years of production tells the tale of Lucas Sellers and his journey into The Realms where the forces of hope are pitted against ultimate evil. Utherworlds combines a fully-fledged novel with written and spoken languages, maps, and stunning paintings with hidden messages that provide layers of detail not seen in other graphic novels."
I am a photographer, Graphic Designer and a stay-at-home-mom who enjoys blogging and writing reviews. Photography and cars are my passion. I post about various topics including health & beauty, events, automotive, music, film, travel, food, and sometimes giveaway contests.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I have just read about the upcoming release of Utherworlds from Ballistic Publishing. The previews were absolutely amazing and I decided to pre-order my copy.
Description taken from the website: "Ballistic Publishing is excited to launch a large-format fantasy graphic novel based on the Utherworlds universe created by Philip Straub. The ambitious project spanning six years of production tells the tale of Lucas Sellers and his journey into The Realms where the forces of hope are pitted against ultimate evil. Utherworlds combines a fully-fledged novel with written and spoken languages, maps, and stunning paintings with hidden messages that provide layers of detail not seen in other graphic novels."
Description taken from the website: "Ballistic Publishing is excited to launch a large-format fantasy graphic novel based on the Utherworlds universe created by Philip Straub. The ambitious project spanning six years of production tells the tale of Lucas Sellers and his journey into The Realms where the forces of hope are pitted against ultimate evil. Utherworlds combines a fully-fledged novel with written and spoken languages, maps, and stunning paintings with hidden messages that provide layers of detail not seen in other graphic novels."
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