In the heartwarming live action adventure, the young boy who embarked on countless adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood with his band of spirited and lovable stuffed animals, has grown up and lost his way. Now it is up to his childhood friends to venture into our world and help Christopher Robin remember the loving and playful boy who is still inside.
Christopher Robin is a wonderful film that our whole family enjoyed. As a child, we grew up loving Winnie the Pooh and all the characters and still an all-time favourite. The movie brings these characters to life and tells us new adventures and friendship of Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin. This film brings us back to those moments and reminding us about the important things in life. It will make you laugh and cry in this emotional film. We enjoyed watching this on DVD/BluRay and I hope you will too. See below how you can win your own copy of the DVD.
ONE (1) lucky reader will have the opportunity to win their very own copy of Disney's Christopher Robin BluRay/DVD. Contest is open to Canadian residents only, 18+ (ends November 21, 2018 at 12am PST). Winner will have 48 hours to respond to claim their prize. Good luck!
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Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy for review purposes. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of other consumers. No other compensation was given.