I love my mom so much and she really inspires me. She's one tough mother and she also raised me to be tough. Before my mom retired, I remember how she worked hard and worked long hours to make our living and how she helped me through college financially. She supports me with the choices I make.
Mother's Day is just around the corner. I know my mom loves flowers. I also love receiving flowers. Thanks to Chelsea (PR rep from The Wonderful Company) and Teleflora for arranging the delivery of my choice on the Teleflora’s Love and Joy Bouquet from my local florist (Terra Flowers). The florist called me to confirm the delivery the day before. It was a bit delayed for the afternoon delivery date, but I called back that day and they were very helpful in checking for me. I received it in the evening instead. I love it and it looks just as pictured on the website.
These gorgeous Mother’s Day bouquets are professionally-arranged and hand-delivered by a local florist with love and care to capture the hearts and appreciation of every mother, grandmother, aunt, sister or friend.
As a special tribute to moms everywhere this Mother’s Day, Teleflora's “One Tough Mother” video ad celebrates the “tough, gritty, no pain-no-gain” job that moms take on every day. Its anthem, the famous words shared by the legendary coach “Vince” Lombardi and his “What It Takes To Be Number One” speech, honors its guiding principles about winning and success. The video ad features “real life” moms to maintain the authenticity of the campaign, which celebrates every “One Tough Mother” in your life…recognizing the strength, courage, perseverance, and infinite love that inspires us through her endless journey through motherhood. Motherhood isn’t always hearts and roses, but Mother’s Day can be with Teleflora.
All Mother’s Day bouquets below are already available on Teleflora.com for purchase:
Teleflora’s Love and Joy Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $59.95)
The perfect gift to celebrate mom and tickle her pink! This elegant bouquet is brimming with springtime’s finest colors, featuring hot pink roses, miniature pink carnations, huckleberry, lavender stems and lavender chrysanthemums all nestled within a gorgeous blooming flower and hummingbird vase, the ultimate symbol to show mom your appreciation and love.
Teleflora’s Luxurious Lavender Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $109.95)
“WOW” mom with this stunning gift that exudes classic elegance; and dazzles and delights with fresh blooms full of luscious dark pink roses and fragrant lilies within a glorious sculpted lavender glass vase.
Teleflora’s Garden Pitcher Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $69.95)
Fill mom’s heart by honoring her timeless devotion with this charming 2-in-1 gift she will cherish. A luxurious mix of rich lavender roses and chrysanthemums, fragrant white lilies and eucalyptus is hand-delivered in a tall, rustic Provencal-style water pitcher (FDA-approved and food safe) that is perfect for mom’s springtime entertaining.
Teleflora’s Butterfly Sunrise Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $49.95)
Playful and sweet just like mom, this brilliant bouquet of peach roses, yellow alstroemeria, and lavender chrysanthemums will make every mom’s heart flutter with happiness. This 2-in-1 gift also serves as a darling oversized keepsake mug (FDA-approved and food safe) adorned with dancing watercolor-hued butterflies for long-lasting enjoyment.
Teleflora’s Painted Blossoms Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $39.95)
Surprise sisters, daughters, and new moms by showering her with a bright, joyful floral bouquet bursting with a lovely medley of orange roses, yellow alstroemeria, and brilliant pink carnations. Arrives professionally-arranged in this delicate pink ceramic cube vase with painted blossoms complement the fresh blooms of spring!
Disclosure: I received one of the bouquets of my choice at no charge in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of other consumers. No other compensation was given.