Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cupcake Charms Illustration

Here’s a cute illustration I drew. It is actually part of the packaging design for my handmade creations on these little cupcake charms. I like the cute faces on it and thought it would be attractive.

Oh, and they are still available for purchase via PayPal payments:

New Artwork: Making Waterfalls

New artwork I made during the beginning of the week. Various stock resources were used (see my art gallery on DeviantArt). I feel I don’t seem quite satisfied with this image for some reason. Maybe I just rushed it or maybe it’s kinda boring. My brain is like mush now cuz I can’t think; and it hurts to think so much! Trying to work on some more artwork, but my ideas aren't coming together.

I guess too busy focusing with being a new mommy and stuff. My creativity is rusting and I need to spice it up somehow.